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Reviews for The String Cheese Incident: 6/29/2006 Pine Mountain Amphitheatre, Flagstaff, AZ

   Bucky  (7/5/2006 7:22:29 PM)

One of the greatest shows Ive ever seen!!! The Energy Was Amazing!!! This was a spiritual awakening for me. Just about a week later after the show and I still feel the energy. A MUST DOWNLOAD!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH CHEESE YOU HAVE HELPED ME THROUGH A LOT OF TRIALS AND TRIBULATION THROUGHOUT LIFE.

   Tatomas  (7/5/2006 4:27:51 PM)

I dont know how to start with this show. ok couple things first, i went to phoenix, flagstaff & both nights at red rocks and this was by far the most amazing of the four shows! no doubt hands down thee best! In fact it was by far the best regular cheese show i have ever seen and the only show that beats it out that i have been too is late night vegoose and thats only because they got to play longer & had a circus going on. The set list was unbelievable but the setlist doesnt even compare to how it was exicuted, the beautiful new venue and the energy of the crowd that blew away anything i had ever seen before. There was more energy from the couple thousand at this show than all of the people at the sea of dreams new years in san francisco. The crowd was so loud chanting cheese, cheese, cheese that they willed the band to come out on stage for a second unplanned enchor (which was unplugged because the sound guys had already started packing up) The band kept saying thank you, thank you, you are all so amazing! No sci thank you for the unbelievable music you play and for coming back to arizona. It was a triumphant return that could not have been scripted better. Also I would like to thank everyone who came to this show and made the energy and scene what it was. I know for a fact i will be at every cheese show at this venue unitl the end of my days!!!!!!!

   hernando  (7/4/2006 3:41:36 AM)

fuckin best show of 2006 so far perfect perfect

   Sheiler  (7/3/2006 2:05:47 PM)

So amazing to read all of these reviews! I`ve still not come down from the energy of this show - it`s my only one on this tour and I`m soooo glad I chose it, for the small venue, the two (and a half) sets of cheese, and the vibe of an outdoor show in the mountains. I got there a little late, but did not miss a thing because as soon as I walked onto the grass I could feel the energy of the entire place. Everyone was smiling & moving! A fresh rain had fallen, but the sky cleared for the show. I quickly found some folks and stayed in that spot for the first set (Norm!). Then went forward to be closer to the band. I cannot believe how small this place is. Even the few rows of seats were close enough for viewing pleasure. I must say, I`m not a huge fan of light shows, but Andy has outdone himself with his latest trippy, vertical whatevers. Even if we weren`t high, we were so high! Welcome "First Show" - now you know what all the fuss is about, and we hope to see more of you. How mountain girls can love (this scene, this music, this feeling).........

   first cheese  (7/3/2006 8:38:09 AM)

OK this was my first Incident......and altho I am probably twice the age of most participants, gotta say this was a waaay cool scene & we loved it!! What a great vibe in the crowd, everyone was jumpin & groovin, and all in a beautiful, beautiful setting. Gotta get more a that!!! Next year - Red Rocks??? Peace.

   Izzy  (7/2/2006 9:15:53 PM)

We haven`t listened to the download (yet), but we were there. With the distance of a couple days, we are still feeling the energy. Our circle strongly supports for the "top 5 set attended" praise for set II. It is lofty and highly deserved! The vibe on the floor was a poster-child for why we go to shows. It had an incredibly off-the-wall small-venue-GD feel. I guess having been to a lot of Dead shows (since `83) and incidents (since `97), we can think of no higher praise! Can`t wait any more to listen...

   toddycheester  (7/2/2006 12:58:37 PM)

Lottsa-Lottsa- ENERGY especially in the pit under the tent. Rain was agreat opener it downpoared earlier hard. I love drive, has a nice grateful dead kinda sound. Solution kangs new song is real good-lottsa cheese kinda changes but smoothe. But this show was all about the GLORY CHORDS-off the charts extremely fast at the end. The rest of the set is awesome-look at the set list OMG> New ones, classic ones and BIG SHOES BABY>Great one. Cats is cool, the band knows when to cool everyone down a little but at the end of the show after the encore we were so hyped up yellin and screaming and chanting Cheese-Cheese-Cheese as the crew broke down kyle broke out the accordian and they set up a couple of microphones and the band dida second encore acoustic Barstool telling everyone to quiet down,we needed that song to calm us down. AWESOME BEST SHOW TO DATE.

   friendlyjohn  (7/2/2006 11:34:11 AM)

This show was off the HOOK !!

Michelle & i did Pozo>Flag & had a great time the whole run.the band is playing real well these days but just took it up a full notch energy wise for this show & the crowd was right there with them.we spent the whole show down on the floor & the positive vibes were was a smile fest on the floor...we got to hear wonderful versions of some of our favorite SCI tunes outside in the pines...the highlight of the run for us... the crowd "willed" the second encore...I would also put set 2 up there in the top 5 or so of sets personally attended & i`ve been to alot of epic incidents(all the hornings shows...99-2001 NYE...warfields...shasta...blah...blah...)i`ll prob grab the official release for this show & "settle"for the AUDs of Pozo-Phx.Flag was an EPIC Incident

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