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Reviews for Widespread Panic: Earth To America 

   Gabrien   (9/1/2022 12:57:14 PM)

I love my second skin

   Wow  (7/25/2022 2:10:40 AM)

Reading the comments on this for the first time, Jesus man some of y’all are insufferable. The only thing bad about panic is some of the complete scum that you inevitably run into at shows, you guys really never outgrew the washed up frat dog phase huh

   August West  (6/30/2022 7:58:33 AM)

I love the album, “Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die!” That’s the best Panic album….hands down ya, Dingus!

   Mikey  (10/12/2010 5:09:52 AM)

This is still hands down the best album released by anyone in the music industry in a long time...2nd Skin is awesome, time zones reminds me of America, and you should be glad is alllllllllllllllll about Memphis-Mississippi connection of the ancients who created the early cradles of civilization! If I didn't know better the boys are time-travellers and Sunny is the secret weapon from Waco!

   NugP  (1/26/2008 4:57:11 PM)

Damn Arleen. You do realize that the band you love is comprised of "southern fag boys" as you like to call us, don't you? Sean IS wrong that they won't play down South because "we know the true Panic down here." First, they are expanding to their audience. Panic is becoming universal so their tour is expanding as well. Secondly, they DO play down here a lot. Their "special" performance last year was 3 nights in Athens. Kicked ass! Third, if they play down here too much it would be financially stupid, as people wouldn't look forward for 3 months to seeing them.

   casey  (4/12/2007 3:37:18 PM)

I can`t believe people who listen to Panic can be so up tight. Why spend twenty dollars on Earth to America when that can pay for half of a live show when they pass through? Save the money, see em live, and respect each other. Jimmy is the man, by the wya.

   scarlet begonias  (10/26/2006 8:12:32 AM)

the dead will never be dead. get a clue.

   10:13 ARLEEN  (10/21/2006 10:38:57 AM)

mc stealin` your face.......maybe "the boys" aren`t visiting the south because they`re afraid the crowds would be full of little fuck stick, southern fag boys like you, that think they know everything. The change from George was the smartest thing they`ve done in a while as Jimmy`s playing is so much stronger and heavier. Put down the hunting rifle, get out of the woods and grab a Q-tip. Get the chiggers out of your ears and just listen. Sean`s gotcha on this one, you moron. And what the hell is an "untrained professional"? Seems like your english comprehension is a bit untrained. And get a new name. The Grateful Dead are DEAD. Steal a brain instead.

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