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Reviews for Widespread Panic: 12/31/1997 Fox Theater, Atlanta, GA

   Wish you would play  (2/3/2022 3:47:06 PM)

Amazing set. Anyone know why “Wish You Were Here” won’t play.?

   Andrew Mount  (2/15/2012 8:33:02 AM)

This is a sweet release. For those of you who have complaints about not having the entire show, while I share your frustration somewhat (I was at this show too, and want it as bad as anyone), please consider this: perhaps the remainder of the show - namely, the 3rd set and encore - does not exist in releasable quality, or does not exist in the archives at all. It happens sometimes (10-30-97, for instance). The second set was already posted at, so go get it (for FREE) and be thankful that hard-working tapers captured the 3rd set and encore for us all to enjoy in audience format - again, for FREE. Consider further all the money you may have shelled out on tickets, hotels, travel expenses, mind-altering substances, etc. over the years, coupled with all of the HIGH-QUALITY, 100% FREE music we have had at our disposal for so long, then please re-consider your complaints and give thanks for what we have: an awesome band that busts their ass and does in fact value and honor their fan base, a killer archivist who does the same (thank you, Horace!), a great and loyal fan community, and a huge treasure trove of easily accessible, no-cost soundboard, audience, FM and matrix recordings spanning 25+ years that will allow us to enjoy the music (whole shows or not) for the rest of our lives and beyond. I, for one, and grateful - cheers, everyone!

   Looks like I messed up on the post below  (12/22/2011 12:53:14 PM)

I meant to write, I have had an aud of this show since spring of '98...not '08...peace!

   This is a great show...!!!  (12/18/2011 9:23:38 PM)

I have had an aud of this show for a while now...since spring of '08 and agree with the symbolic first set...GREAT IDEA! However, the rest of this show is a RAGER!!!Please release the rest of it. Guys, 9.95 for a set of 7 or 8 tunes seems like a really bad deal when you get entire 2 set shows for a dollar more. Please KICK THE OTHER SETS DOWN!!! I WILL GLADLY PAY THE MONEY!!! Peace....

   wsppligrim  (12/15/2011 10:11:26 PM)

I was so excited to see this release, I bought and downloaded the show before I realized it was just the first set. Please release the rest of the show, or if that is too much to ask how about the whole 1/2/98 show ?

   brazzy  (12/14/2011 3:51:33 PM)

WTF?? Where's the rest of the show???? This is a great show and was my third NYE to spend w/ boys and would really like to have had the entire show...seems like a bit of a rip off only getting 1/3 of the show...epic & historic none-the-less...

   pablo  (12/13/2011 4:21:45 PM)

I have not yet downloaded, but want to voice my frustration. 42 minutes of music for $10. Other archive releases that are full shows are $1 more. Seems like a rip-off to me. Would have been nice to have gotten the full show. Maybe release the rest as Porch Songs release if remastering the whole show is too much work or not possible? Now that I'm done complaining I'm gonna go download this :)

   ron-c  (12/13/2011 5:20:13 AM)

great release! JB sounds great and the show was big fun. i have DATs of the show i recorded in the balcony, i broke out my analogs (that would be cassette tapes for you youngsters, lol)over the weekend after hearing about this release. one 'minor' thing, would love for them to go on and release the entire show, please!



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