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Reviews for The String Cheese Incident: 6/11/2011 Bonnaroo Music Festival , Manchester, TN

   Larry Fox  (7/31/2011 6:13:13 PM)

As noted in the show notes, there are a couple of minor issues in the recording on the first couple of songs. This was a festival set, with no time for our crew to set up and check everything out beforehand. When reports of a couple of glitches were submitted, we checked our recordings and found that these problems came from the stage and were not introduced by the recording. As such, I've removed the comments complaining about these four or five seconds of giitches. If you want to discuss further, you can email me at Larry@SCIFidelity.Com.

   debuke  (6/20/2011 8:47:49 AM)

i was at this show up front... yes: "mothra" guy caught on fire but other than that: this show was THE show... awesome performance of SCI with a tad bit of the EOTO flavour thrown in, which seemed to modernize classic hits such as Miss Brown's... i was blown away at the stage presentation and the music. i'm excited to have this show to listen to (already bought it) but the magic of actually being there can't be captured in an audio recording. do yourself a favour: find out when SCI is playing again and go see them!

   Jby  (6/20/2011 7:53:33 AM)

It is critical fans like us that, i believe made them not want to much pressure on them to always pull a big gig off. This sounds great and they are on!

   Howard  (6/17/2011 7:20:34 PM)

Sounds like a great show. The boys are having fun and that is important (and exciting). Looking forward to the download when I get home. A few observations though...
Careless Whisper? A bit silly and dare I say it; cheesy? But, dont take such covers so seriously. Lighten up, Cheeseheads! People are just having fun. I don't think it was a planned cover either.
As Kyle put it: " Sexy sax man crashed our Bonnaroo set. Luckily, Jason knew the words and we were able to get the chords in time."
It was a random Bonnaroo moment. Cheese was bieng Cheese. Roo was bieng Roo. If Bumpin Reel, Texas, and Ms. Brown's are all overshadowed by that one cover and a slightly awkward moment for some, you may be listening to the wrong band. There is plenty of room for that type of hyper critical cynicism on And if $2 can come between you and the band you claim to love, it may be time to move on to something else. More elbow room at shows is always a plus.
Praise Cheesus and see you in the forest:)

   CrackKillsBrainCells  (6/17/2011 4:14:30 PM)

Crack Head Setlist in my opinion.........A year to plan this one and this is what you gave theese people who have been dreaning of this show all year and many who traveled from far away...when those vocals from careless whispers started It was like a court room Murmer of whats going on and Oh my God's as hundreds turned and shuffled away.....Then the all clear was given and the real music the band actually plays and represents started and now we had room to dance and gloat and say haha to all that fell for it and walked away.....Maybe there is a method to their madness...? who knows and It is what it is....Still Love SCI but as you can see a little bitter and heart broken still..Its kinda like being in love then breaking up and reuniting once a year with hope of re-connecting a permanent relationship then saying goodbye again......At least got some more action....LOL

   hoody  (6/17/2011 12:24:08 PM)

My god, this is the best I've heard Cheese play in a long time! SOOOO FUNKY, I LOVE IT! You all must have had the time of your lives at this one. Definately worth the download, Peace!

   Stinger  (6/17/2011 11:31:48 AM)

This show was pretty much the only reason I came to Bonnaroo. It made the whole trip worth it. It's not my favorite setlist, but everything was played exceptionally well, the band seemed to be having a blast and all the theatrics brought it together to be great incident.

See you in 3 weeks!

It looked like the fairy that was sprinkling glitter from above, burned his/her face with the huge torch thing it had. Hope he or she was okay.

   T  (6/16/2011 9:36:32 PM)

Simply the best show of Bonnaroo 2011. Maybe the best in my 8 years at the festival. Rocket packs, orange jump suits, 50 giant balloons, and a T-Rex. What more do you need? Oh yeah, the greatest live band on the planet. I may never get to see SCI again, but I will always remember this show



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