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Reviews for Widespread Panic: 2/1/2012 Panic En La Playa, Puerto Morelos, MEX

   stop/go>maine  (3/25/2012 4:45:28 PM)

have to agree with the $$. a 2 disc show $$(fall ABB) = a 3 disc show, but a 4 disc show is more than a 3 (2-1-2012)?? the dvd's are bundled ($60) and can't be a single show purchase? the cost of shipping a shirt is 60% the cost of the shirt? you guys are seriously out of touch. best of luck

   Wonderin'Why  (2/25/2012 10:04:53 PM) this CD $3 more than all the rest (26 vs. 23)? I mean, I know this show fuggin' jammmed and all...but was it really THAT much better than all the other in the database? :)

   deepelembluez  (2/25/2012 9:50:14 PM)

Dave was truly feeling it this night. At one point I glance up outta' my mach5 wiggle-dance to see Schools tomahawk choppin' down the length of the bass neck. Or as my old tour buddy "Big" Dave used to say about DA's playing that night, he'd say: "...Schools was spanking the plank!" If you've never noticed, as long as the bigboy is having a good time, e v e r y o n e has a good time and Schools was having a blast this 2nd night. This may sound like a back-handed compliment but its truly not meant to be - call me spoiled, azzhole, call me what you will...but, as of late..and again, no disrespect to anyone especially Vic, but I've grown kinda' weary of Sewing Machine. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed it again - for the first time in a looooong while. I could honestly feel the energy, the vibe, the rhythymic drive of the Sewing Machine and for a moment - in the middle of my wiggle dance, I stopped - momentarily stuck in the sand, frozen, feeling Vic smiling out of the palm tree blowing around back stage - an uninhibited smile, fluid, loose, free from any constraint. From one who's been doing this since the 80's, when The Panic was his "off-season" band, when he couldn't be in the same town as The Grateful Dead or Jerry Band - This show, this 2nd night en La Playa was the culmination of so many memories all blended into one. Each night of this run, genuinely...was The Best Day Ever.

   H. Parsons  (2/8/2012 11:05:43 AM)

Add moe. to the Panic/Phish jam band genre and you have my big three....with Panic on top of course!

   1 armed Steven  (2/8/2012 6:10:42 AM)

I'm a Phish/Panic Phan... In other words I like the transcendent beauty and LIGHT of Jazz meets the raging exploratory world of Phishdom along with the dark, haunting primordial drifts that shape Widespread Panic. To me, anybody who accepts genius cannot but come to appreciate and love both of these bands. But right now, without question, Panic sits at the top of this special summit of sounds. I wasn't privileged to be En La Playa but I've been downloading the Wood tour and this one... and though I've only heard about half of these Mex shows, I think we have to admit that it's hard to imagine music being pushed any further, with such confidence, depth and imagination than it is right now with WP. It’s a travesty that many will never find this music or have the wherewithal to appreciate it, BUT I’M SURE GLAD I HAVE. GET THESE SHOWS AND spread THE WEALTH!



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