Cress (5/6/2011 12:08:58 PM)
Went to the show. Lotus did a lot of face melting this night. They seriously went crazy and took the Orpheum with them. Personal favorite parts of the set: Scrapple, Lou Carcohl, and Spiritualize from Set I, and some incredible IACTMN>Wax. They closed the set with Sunrain, very calm lighting, but still maximum energy on stage.
I'd highly reccommend buying this set, and also checking out the rest of DThalman's photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thalmandj15/sets/72157625384924354/
Cress (5/6/2011 12:08:57 PM)
Went to the show. Lotus did a lot of face melting this night. They seriously went crazy and took the Orpheum with them. Personal favorite parts of the set: Scrapple, Lou Carcohl, and Spiritualize from Set I, and some incredible IACTMN>Wax. They closed the set with Sunrain, very calm lighting, but still maximum energy on stage.
I'd highly reccommend buying this set, and also checking out the rest of DThalman's photos: http://www.flickr.com/photos/thalmandj15/sets/72157625384924354/