scubi (10/28/2005 7:39:58 AM)
Awesome! Thank you for adding "Walk On". There`s just something not right when you don`t have the whole show to listen to. Especially if you`re trying to collect all the shows you`ve ever attended. Can`t wait for the New Years shows in Atlanta!!!
abluindain (10/19/2005 10:10:30 PM)
PLEASE!!!! ADD WALK ON...PLEASE!! Dave`s recovery into its into was SMOKIN`!THE FIRE!! GEORGE, I would like to say WELCOME TO OUR WP FAMILY!! JB`s voice is the best in music.Sunny & Todd proved again to be steroisomers,& JoJo should harominize more-voice is too good to be idle. Also, I like to say that hopefully all those folks that actually took a shower before the show apperciate what they happend to witness durin` that brief moment in time!!
Dougie (10/19/2005 8:26:55 PM)
Whomever was there ande a true fan will realize that despite the frat crowd and their stupid chicks whom tripped on the stairs, all in all twas a grate show. As NOT a fan of the 4 cornered deal(though my pal called it......couldn`t BELIEVE it) it was not bad.One of the sickest Rock you`ll ever hear.Lovely Low Spark.Nebulous was a first and bad as hell.Lilly as well as the classics such as W.D.Y.B.T. and Katy were kickin` HARD.George (contrary to what others say) was on fire at times and using the wah-wah like Mikey would`ve wanted!! Rebirtha and Greta(also not my fave) were especially HOT!!We all thought the "breakdown" of End Of The Show waspretty funny.If you get this and hear J.B. you`ll see why. Panic On people!!
Guyute (10/19/2005 4:54:22 PM)
I was impressed by the Clemson show. It was a very frat-tastic show, as expected. But it was certainly manageable. I was on the floor so the only thing you can do to stay away from the beer-holding, high-fiving, frat fags is to stand farther back and let them ruin the show for each other. If you can get past the frat guys it was a solid show. Very tight. Clean jams. Smooth transitions. Not the best show of the 2005 tour by far, but worth the download. The only negative (other than the Greek system) is that Walk On was left off the encore. Just because it`s not on the original set list doesn`t mean they didn`t play it. Need to post that, or reduce the price for an incomplete show.
scubi (10/19/2005 7:57:37 AM)
I have one more thing to say. I don`t nessarialy like shows held on college campuses. Other than that the show was great! I loved Four Corner Room!
Scott (10/18/2005 10:52:42 PM)
Great show at home for me. Only had to walk quarter mile from my apartment. Great beginning of set and great rebirtha on this show. this was my 6th show of the tour and would probably rank this show 5th after the 2 night stands in raleigh and bonnaroo, but only b/c i have been spoiled and seen the band at peak performances. it kinda sucks that they didnt include walk on in the encore for this download; they should lower the price a dollar or something.
BAMA PANIC (10/18/2005 8:06:03 PM)
Hey guys and for you THOMAS I would sure love to know who made you the Widespread Panic music critic. The reason this show was posted is because like anytime panic steps onstage, it`s going to be something special. Throw in the version of katy and down on the farm and it becomes great. Yea it sucks we couldnt get walk on but nobody envolved with wsp had anything to do with that. Get pissed off at young`s producers or whoever. AND DONT EVER SAY JB TAKES THE NIGHT OFF. Even at shows when he has been bombed with glowsticks, he has still put on unreal shows that other frontmen only wish of.
kelly (10/18/2005 10:45:00 AM)
I went into this show not expecting much after the strong set`s from the weekend before. Boy was I wrong!!! They saved plenty and provided some serious heat, as they have been at all the shows this fall.. Get this one if you don`t have it.. Can`t wait til Macon is available...