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Reviews for Widespread Panic: 9/17/2010 WVU Coliseum, Morgantown, WV

   NewEnglandPanicPlease  (9/28/2010 1:04:45 PM)

*please read ChillyH2Ova review

   NewEnglandPanicPlease  (9/28/2010 1:00:39 PM)

Special night. Recording does it's justice too. Thanks. I did leave the show with an unexplainable dislike for Jewish people for some weird reason though...

   tubedss  (9/23/2010 9:09:38 AM)

This show was the 1st WSP show I had see since Roo 07. I enjoyed the start with Junior. The last Chunk of Coal I got was in WV @ the Lewisburg,WV festival in 2003. Love Tractor was pretty good. I enjoyed it more since I hadn't seen Panic in a long time. Smokestack was sick. JB howling! Shut Up and Drive> Blight > Pigeons was my fav part of the first set without a doubt! Piss break for Saint Ex.....Greta>North was a great way to end a solid first set.

Set2 started with a Second Skin fake could have been Thought Sausage too but when JB started singing Four Cornered Room, I knew we were i store for a weird set. JB's vocals were awesome on this! Bust It Big got the tempo up after a slow dark start of the 2nd frame. Porch was ok. Surprise>Drums>Surprise went a little long imo. There was a mini-drums in there too. The jam back into Surprise had a distinct Within You Without You jam by Jimmy. I loved Blue Indian. Time Zones was better than I remembered but still not one of my favs. Worry was nice although JoJo had some tech problems and walked over to DAS side and said something to the guy over there and went back to the keys. He didn't miss the whole song though. Henry Parsons was a train wreck imo. The vocals were horrendous. Makes Sense was better becasuse only one person sang it but I wish WSP wouldn't have invited anyone on stage tbh.

Dirty Side Down has tech problems for JB's guitar with a roadie on his knees trying to get his guitar to work. I like this song though. Climb was a foregone conclusion.. we bolted and beat the traffic.

I liked the show, but it seems when DAS and Jojo try and get funky, they have no room to do so. Herring is a master @ the ax. I just think he overshadows the whole band. It's like the Jimmy Herring Shred Fest Band now.

   ChillyH2Ova  (9/22/2010 9:13:59 PM)

great sound and set selection ....Was it me or was there swastikas on the visual triangle behind the stage?

   the Tree  (9/20/2010 5:59:17 AM)

Great start to the fall tour. Really jammin' set(s) and very special guests during HPD and MS2M make this show a must have! He'd spill it all down his shirt in shame!

   J Trach  (9/19/2010 2:01:05 PM)

Nothing like coming home to see Panic. Like with any tour opener you wonder if they are going to come out swinging or if they're going to be playin' it safe. Well they came out swinging and did they ever nock one out of the park. Chunk of Coal was rather fitting for being back in West by God. For me the heat was Love Tractor, Pigeons,North and a rather down and dirty Henry Parson.
On the other side of things there was no one there. The floor was halfway full and security was rather tight. No beer was served inside the venue and for someone who loves about 9 or 7 beers during a show that was a downer. But the boys came to play to lift my spirits to an all time high. Thanks for coming to WVU and I hope you all come back.........



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