Yonder Strikes again! This whole show had a sort of sweet sadness for me as we were coming to the end of the most righteous weekend ever! All the song choices were most satisfying. It was a wonderful experience to hear the band speak of how comfortable they all were and to hear it come through in their sound. The highlights of this show for me were the "dawn's early light" and I am still buzzin' from that most spectacular and pleasingly sweet "no expectations". To see Darol facilitate and coordinate the fiddles and the sound that emerged truly had me in tears; as it was so powerful and beautiful. Ultimately this was a great show and all the players were in "The Zone" according to my standards. You can see from the set list that the tunes played were all beauties. I just chose to be attached to a certain few that were extra mighty fine. Can't wait for Horning's 2011! See Ya'll there!