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Reviews for The String Cheese Incident: 10/8/2005 Hampton Beach Casino, Hampton Beach, NH

   Coconut Phil 2/19/09  (2/19/2009 6:52:14 AM)

Solid jam, I love my Cheese. I hope they will tour again in a few years. Keep jamming America.

Philip, Simpsonville, SC Living Free

   cheesehead37  (10/14/2005 8:01:41 PM)

It`s unbelievable how much better jam bands can sound in small spaces! The Ballroom always gets rocked, but the Cheese ROCKED IT! It was a night that Mother Nature unleashed her deadly fury on NH. Cheshire County was absolutely devasted this night, I`m just so thankful that I was at this show instead of back home! It would`ve been very fitting if they kicked out 100 Year Flood in their awesome sesh`s (which I felt were truly powered by the storm`s energy along with the stoked crowd that packed the Casino from wall to wall). The electricity that was flowing was totally undescribeable. Even Chris Berry and Pangea jammed out with some sweet reggae beats to open, and then hopped in for a few on the djembe. They were a cool.

   Yair  (10/12/2005 8:47:34 AM)

This was my first ever String Cheese show, and I was there both nights (10/8 and 10/9). Both shows were amazing, though the first night was jam packed and sold out. The energy was awesome and the music was unbelievable. They made a crappy rain flooded weekend into a blast and in the process converted my friends and I into true fans.

   CAZ  (10/11/2005 2:29:03 PM)

183 minutes and 23 seconds of PURE PLEASURE!!!!

   Logan  (10/11/2005 8:15:15 AM)

All I have to say is wow, I thought the portland shows were amazing and could not be beat but boy was i wrong.This show toped both portland nights and the final hampton night.CLIMB,search,black and white,I know your a rider.Nothing can top that the enegy was amazing more than any cheese show I have ever been to,but I must say Roller over,san jose,and hmgcl, on the second night where problay some of the best jams I have ever heard. Thank you cheese for the four best nights of my life.

   thekevingreene  (10/10/2005 1:10:49 PM)

My first Cheese show. Totally blown away. The Cheese blew the roof the Ballroom. The weather outside sure was shitty, but inside it was all warmth and smiles as String Cheese rocked till 1 in the morning. Dear Cheese: PLEASE RETURN TO NH SOON!

   hambone420  (10/10/2005 11:35:27 AM)

It is so nice to see a band in a small venue, asfter seing them countless times in larger ones. i had a feeling they were gonna blow it up..............THEY DID! Wont go through each song, the entire show was off the charts. Great energy from start to finish from the crowd. Tough weather was my only gripe. I think Cheese is really going to step into the limelight now that certain other bands have called it quits. Cant wait to see `em again.

   gregg hooper  (10/10/2005 5:57:00 AM)

great venue, great show....tight, loud and really rocked the "old ballroom"...Chris Berry was an old Deah Head,SCI is the real thing and can jam with the best of them....nice job!!!!



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