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Reviews for The String Cheese Incident: One Step Closer 

   Linear Queso  (9/30/2007 12:38:28 PM)

Rainbow Serpent is my favorite Cheese song of all time. I like the trippy, mellow vibe.

   Portlander  (6/19/2006 8:31:23 PM)

Farther is a classic and the Cheese should start playing it.

   matt  (9/27/2005 12:45:32 PM)

Sometimes A River is simply phenominal..and Big Compromise is very good as well. This is a really great album.

   Mike Olson  (7/18/2005 9:13:34 PM)

This disc has grown on me, and I think it`s worth getting. My only "complaint" is that it`s a bit TOO mellow for my tastes. There are very few times where they let loose and really play. The album is very restrained overall, and I wish they would have jammed a bit. However, as a record, I think it works, and I`m definitely glad to see them getting away from the UTN sound, which never worked for me too well. This is an enjoyable record and it`s fun to hear new stuff from them.

   andrew  (7/18/2005 9:14:51 AM)

great new album. i just hope they can still jam to these new songs. i think there great thou. i reallty lovegive me the love,sometimes a river , drive, 45th, one step closer, rainbow serpent, and swampy waters

   Ben Irwin  (7/7/2005 8:09:51 PM)

This cd is great. I have listened to it straight through at least ten times. The thing cheese has done really well on their past two albums is make a cd of music that flows well. Too bad just one story could not be put on this cd, that song kicks ass. Go Kang! For people that think that this cd is horrible and cheese is changing for the worse, find something else to listen to because this cd is great and even if you dont like this cd, cheese is a live band anyway. They just keep getting better everytime i see them. Summerfest rocked! See ya in chicago.

   chipper  (7/7/2005 1:57:09 PM)

This cd is the shit. I am glad they will still play the same live yet come out with an album that actually shows the world that they know how to write good songs. Kang plays the accoustic mandolin on most of the album, that has to say somthing!!!

   toddycheester  (7/5/2005 9:55:13 PM)

Dont Worry Girls. The Band is still the same, actually better than ever I Just got in from red rocks. It`s the same thing the grateful dead did, come up with new songs do a nice clean version as a template on a studio album experiment a little in studio and live, the winners stay in the mix and the others fade away or re-appear. The album was probably designed to appeal to a wider audience and get them to a concert, once they experience a live show they will say WOW! that was nothing like the album. There are some very nice clean sounds-distortion and jamming going on throughout the whole album which i could hear a strong presence of at Red rocks shows, There was definitely a new attitude in the band but a good one and it will pay off as time goes on. I personally think untying the knot was a better studio album but the songs on this album are good and they will blossum in the live performance and rock your world and that`s final. Dont forget the band is driving the vehicle and we are the passengers or co-pilots mainly along for the ride and if you dont enjoy the ride than find another vehicle, but good luck trying to find a ride this nice else where, It`s just not out there.



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