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Reviews for Umphrey's McGee: 2/13/2010 Neighborhood Theatre, Charlotte, NC

   Rick  (2/20/2010 8:02:23 AM)

Although this show isn't a setlist I would die over missing, there is a lot of great improv to be found here. Get In The Van started off a bit rough with some flubs (I think Jake may have been having some issue with one of his amps). However they quickly recovered and the August got the show started right. I'm not a big fan of Plunger or 1348, but both had some of the best improv of the night. The former also featured a jam on The Trailor by Herbie Hancock. Glad to see 1348 is finally getting opened up and Keefer was a nice treat.

Robot World was followed by some more tasty improv with an unexpected drop into Uncommon. A huge DBK comes next with an enjoyable funky Jeff Beck cover and the second improv section gets a bit dancy, worth noting there is another small flub though in DBK. The new song is pretty fun, hope to see them open it up a little bit and I dug the Can't You See cover. Wappy's jam goes into dub territory before they drop into a well played Thin Air. Soul Food II is fairly short but the Words provided for a nice emotional ending to the show.

This whole southeast tour has been full of gems and this one is definitely worth hearing. I'd go with Asheville if I were to just purchase one show from the tour, but this one is still pretty enjoyable.

   gil t  (2/17/2010 3:51:07 PM)

This was my fourth show and easily my favorite...untouchable end to the second set and a fitting encore...what a memorable show even for "high schoolers experimenting with their first dud x pills."

   Amber  (2/17/2010 7:47:25 AM)

This show was absolutly awesome! I went to the Tab an thought that was a good show but after seein Neighborhood show just blew my mind. My buddies and I definatly did not want the show at the end! I was by the stage the whole time, constantly dancin, singin, and yellin. It was Epic.

   Sprappy Wayberry  (2/15/2010 8:09:56 PM)

Refusing to let up a bit of intensity from last year, Magoo rocked the Neighborhood Theatre so hard I heard they had to close it. Haters might say that was already planned; they're wrong. Wappy was one of the best I've heard (including past two NYE), guitar duel on Thin Air combined into a fusion of shreddage that almost made me hope the show was over due to the completely liquid state of my facial features, and the Words was just plain beautiful. Let that Plunger or Fussy pt. 1 start you off right for $.99, and you WILL buy this show and love it. Minus the overpacking of 400 excess high schoolers experimenting with their first dud X pills to complement the 950 (the capacity) heady brahs in the arena, this could wear the title belt as the best show I've ever been to. They got Mantis out of the way in Chucktown on Friday, so that opened the floor for old school awesomeness and a sick 1348. Get live, Umphrey's.



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