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Reviews for Widespread Panic: 6/11/2005 Bonnaroo Music Festival , Manchester, TN

   Evan  (9/13/2005 12:30:50 AM)

Absolutly a great show from start to finish, I`ve also taken an interest in all this DMB bashing. DMB is a fine band, I really took a likeing to them ever before Panic, but some of you are right in the aspect of uneventful DMB shows. In the beginning of DMB, shows were amazing and filled with that same uncertinty that any Panic show brings. Somewhere along the way Dave and Co. lost that raw essence which made their music great. They`ve become too refined and polished and have forgotton how to jam like the kings, I speak of Panic of course. I feel sort of a loss but I`ll always have Panic to set me right everytime. Long live "The Spread" and Dave, STOP WRITING SHITTY SONGS AND GET BACK TO YOUR ROOTS!!!!

   Vincent Vega  (9/1/2005 4:34:18 PM)

Wow! where to begin. The whole Bonnaroo atmosphere already makes any show a great show, however Panic melted me away both nights at B-Roo. Conrad, Christmas Katie, Surprise Valley, Big Wooly Mammoth, the set list was unbelievable. Tie your shoes is worth the download alone with some of the tastiest bass I have heard from Schools yet.

   dogstar2012  (8/28/2005 5:53:40 AM)

This is a great show. I Walk on Guilded Splinters with Warren is the best thing I`ve heard in a lomg time. Download this show. ...and to the guy posting re: DMB. DMB sucks. Long live WSP.

   JD  (7/28/2005 8:52:52 PM)

Bonnaroo was my first eye opener to "The Spread", as all my friends would say who have been following them for years. I`ve been to alot of other band`s concerts, none compared to this one. I honestly do not care who any of the band members are. The music, the people, the energy... UNDESCRIBABLE! Thanks for the great music!

   jstratig  (7/26/2005 11:36:44 AM)

I don`t understand how you can like WSP and not respect or enjoy a DMB show. Just because there are different populations of people at shows, doesn`t mean you need to get on your high horse. Music is music and WSP is my favorite band, but you cannot deny that the DMB might be the second best live show out there.

   H.parsons  (7/21/2005 1:31:31 PM)

Widespread sounded good all weekend but these shows were nowhere as good as they used to be. George is boring to watch and Warren saved the first evening just like he did the night before with Dave Matthews. The energy just wasn`t there like it used to be. Some obscure tunes like Sharon and Contentment Blues would have helped out these now average panic shows. More Warren, less George! Even though trey can`t sing his show was much more exciting and had alot more energy.

   Adam A  (7/13/2005 5:29:17 PM)

Dang, some strong opinions on here!! I love Panic, whether it`s, George or Houser, with special guests or just the six of them, but the Allman Brothers toasted everyone, including everyone at this years Bonnaroo. Derek and Warren are the best guitar tandem there`s ever been. Ask Dave Schools, he`d probably tell you. As for DM, Stand up, it`s more like sit down, the worse part is that they`re playing 10 songs a night off it. They have truely gone to shit. Panic rocks!!

   Shannon  (7/13/2005 12:38:06 AM)

Panic rocks to every single person on such a level and truly jams out for the crowd.It is the best atmosphere. This was an incredible show like any other. Let the music play on..

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