michaelbartlett (4/15/2010 8:48:35 AM)
Great show guys!!!!!! The best show that I can remember! What a way to start my summer at the beach!!!!! Can't wait to next time. Shooting for the Red Rocks Shows.......
SCgarcia1983 (3/29/2010 6:33:19 AM)
Sweet way to open up a Spring tour, a 3 night run in South Carolina! Agree about the crowd, but luckily for this show only, i had pew seats. No one in front of me except for a 6 man band that was rockin for hours. The next two nights i only saw the band when i had to pee or get a drink, both of which were. Highlights: Papa's Home, Crazy, SV>drums>SV, and Knockin round the zoo....which was written by James Taylor as he say in an Asylum in Columbia, SC. This history cant be written any sweeter...see ya in Florida!
tk (3/29/2010 5:04:27 AM)
what a weekend with great friends old and new! love tractor>chilly>b of d>chilly, entire second set was fire, everything after bowlegged was great especially the surprise>>>arleen>im not alone...
carolinablues (3/26/2010 7:06:56 PM)
raging spring opener. the fellas own the grandstrand. FWIW: this year's show wasn't nearly as oversold as prior years. absolutely en fuego none-the-less - good times were had by all. this show is a rippah!
Dabfa(Brandon) (3/26/2010 1:35:10 PM)
Great way to start the tour. Two solid sets and you knew the Knockin' was coming on Encore. It was was a great conclusion to a great show and a great time. A little crowded in their though, next time they should definetly scale down the ticket sales b/c I couldn't even see the band at all during the first set, but I guess this doesn't matter if you are just dowloading the show, and it is definetly worth a listen. By the way the Suprise is one of the best I have ever heard all together it had to be 25 minutes long. Peace.
doodles (3/26/2010 12:51:28 PM)
pure fuckwin heatfire