Matthew Jellick (8/5/2022 3:28:43 AM)
17 years ago today with my homies from P.Town!
hernado (10/2/2006 8:22:52 PM)
feel the madgic of this place i love this place funnest time ever great way to kick shit off
doogie cheesemeister (9/1/2005 12:45:27 AM)
This show started a weekend of cheese that can never really be put to words. Friday`s show smoked ass, saturday was beyond the pale, and sunday capped off a 4 day binge of running through Bobs woods and dancing to cheese that hardened your nipples! For all of you there with me, thank you for an epic groove. For those that couldnt be there, man oh man am I sorry! Thank you Bob! You are the man!
gully (8/31/2005 11:47:14 PM)
g@#dammit. kickin` myself in the butt, but i bought a house instead, so it`s allgood. next year. right? HH06.
Seed (8/14/2005 2:01:39 AM)
I think this show was one of their best, if not THE best they have ever played. I felt like I was watching a band at the very peak of their creative talent, at the very pinacle of their career. The transitions at one point had my laughing with joy because of how expertly they were pulled off. I left the evening wondering, "Oh my GOD, how could anyone possibly EVER get to be so good at something?"
Mark Clark (8/13/2005 9:27:46 AM)
That was my 1st cheese show to ever go to and it was the most amazing thing ive ever seen, since im from Alabama and it was my 1st time to be in Oregon which rocked because the mountains were great and cheese is great. I cant wait to go see them again and the Third eye open ceremony on saturday rocked with all the aliens running around and the fire dancers. Hopefully i`ll catch at another festival like hornings because Hornings Hideout was the greatest festival of them all. Peace out
toddycheese (8/11/2005 5:06:18 PM)
This Show absolutely Rocked, Probably the best show ever as far as musiciaship sound etc... Lots of variety Loud, Clean and rockin. The MLT Is deiffinately the best ever, Arturo Rocked. Great Improvisational Jams thoughout the whole show. In my opinion this was deffinately the best of the 3 nights, and most likely the best show of all time .But saturdays parade was unbelievable and the effort put into everything was beyond expectations. Deffinately Dowload at least the friday show. Thanks sci & everyone involved. Todd
Michael Murante (8/9/2005 1:49:13 PM)
Well its hard to pull off a Coltraine song (Imeressions) the way cheese does. Everyone was "locked in" on this partictular night very well. I enjoyed all the history i learned about some of Bill Nershis` songs. (I fell in love in a HT@ the show & Sand Dollar & the workshop). PS. all the late night activties were wonderfull. MAYBE NEXT YEAR!!!