Professorwormbog (1/25/2025 6:34:24 PM)
Bassik was right. 2x2 is all time
LysergicBrain (1/19/2025 9:02:30 PM)
Sounding fantastic on the tour opener. Nasty jamming on that 2x2. Lose Yourself>Kasmir jam during Made to Measure.
darksiderrzfyd (1/19/2025 11:00:50 AM)
Excellent show to kick off an excellent year! I’m not exaggerating either. Brendan’s on point on vox! Great dynamic shifts in song choices, really organic jams especially in 2x2, and high energy jams elsewhere. 2 great covers!
BingoPete (1/19/2025 3:48:35 AM)
this was the perfect birthday show for me. I wish I had been there.
Made To Measure (1/18/2025 9:44:56 AM)
Your comfortable… you wear it well!
Alumni Blues (1/18/2025 9:08:32 AM)
Listen to 2x2. It’s dope.
Cory Bee (1/17/2025 7:17:54 PM)
I’ll be in south Bend too brother! Let’s get it!
FSI (1/17/2025 3:19:30 PM)
The boys