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Reviews for The String Cheese Incident: 7/3/2009 Rothbury Festival, Rothbury, MI

   Fern  (2/19/2010 1:34:45 PM)

Also check out: 4-20-02,4-21-02 Atlanta/ 4-23-02 Pompano Beach Florida/ 6-21-02 Bonnaroo(w/Keller)/ Horning's Hideout '03/ New Year's '03/ 4-23-04 Tokyo/ Horning's Hideout '04 (!)/ 7-20-04, 7-21-04 San Francisco/ 10-29-04, 10-30-04 Chicago/ 10-21-05 Boulder/ New Year's '05/ 06-29-06 Flagstaff(!)/ 08-04-06,08-05-06,08-06-06 Eugene/ 09-29-06, 09-30-06 Chicago/ and pretty much the entire 2007 run. 03-23-07 Denver (!)/ 03-27-07 Vail/ 07-13-07 New York (!)/ 07-21-07,07-22-07 Berkeley/ 08-03-07 Salem (!) and the entire Red Rocks run is pretty dope.
(!)= GET THIS!!!
These are just a few of my favorites that I listen to regularly. Also you can get some of their earlier stuff 1996-2001; some great soundboards too at:
Some would argue that this is some of their better stuff just like people say about Phish. But to me its ALL good! Hope it helps a bit, and I hope you get to see them this year. I know I will. PRAISE CHEESUS!!

   Fern  (2/19/2010 1:05:26 PM)

Nick: There's tons of shows out there and its really hard to point out one. But one I constantly listen to even when I get newer shows is from Atlanta 10-21-05. No joke, probably one of the tightest shows of all time! (The folowing show 10-22-05 is awesome too) There's definitely a few out there that you could go without hearing, as is true for any band. But ATLANTA 10-21-05 is by far my favorite and highly recomended!

   Nick G  (12/11/2009 9:32:38 AM)

Hi, im just getting into SCI and im looking for the best shows to get started with. I've been a huge phish phan for a long time and started to get a little obsessed so im trying to broaden my musical interests. Any recommendations? Thanks!

   Gavin  (10/29/2009 12:09:35 AM)

the only reason this show melted peoples faces was because of the theatrics, I mean, everytime I see the cheese I enjoy it, but definitley not their best music wise, and yes I'm just as amazed as the next guy by raining glow sticks, floating lanterns, and giant tree sized balls.
this is my personal favorite cheese show, I guess because I was there

   06-07 Cheese  (9/9/2009 2:16:49 PM)

Friday AND Saturday from the Red Rocks farewell blow this out of the water! I can't believe that people would even suggest that this is the best show ever! newbies.

   Josh  (8/6/2009 1:37:01 AM)

By far the best show at rothbury and of my life, sick, you guys solve all my problems straight up its so good to see you guys back together and from what i can tell shits gonna be crazy

   Ryan  (8/3/2009 5:11:29 AM)

String Cheese live is what makes life worth living. The memories from this show will resonate with my soul forever. Whenever i feel the weight of the world I pop in some Cheese focus on the music, let the goosebumps rise and remember there is still good in this world.

   Fern  (7/24/2009 12:15:54 AM)

Praise Cheesus! The "Heads Up Jam>Rollover Reprise" sums up the entire weekend for me. Unreal 2nd set. too! But where was my "San Jose"? :) Keep doing what you're doing fellas. See you in the near future?

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