I have heard all the Panic/Brothers shows so far, x/c for Wantaugh last night (anyone else not get the chills from JB's readings of LGTSOTR ?!?! Love that tune, esp. as an opener ?!! HELL YES.)
All of Panics' sets are hot and well-played. Admittedly & expectedly, the tunes with the 'Brothers' guests start out a bit tentatively (there are how many damn fine musicians on the same stage at any one particular time ?!?!)
Soooo, yeah ... they -start- a little timid with each listening to the other very well ... buuut when they start to click, watch out. Check out the grrreeeat 'Pleas', esp. the intro w/ all guitars in synch, winding up & up & up to the release into the 1st verse !'
Alos, outside the screaming obvious 'Chilly Water' closer w/ Warren, the BIG money $$$, for -me- is this 'Surprise Valley' .... man they rip that up !
Can't wait to see whats down the line with this tour .... def ain't nothin' for me to see for A-whiiile down here in N. Floridull ... maaaaybe Birmingham in October, but who knows ... it may even be NYE before I make it back to this kick-ass circus !!!