Dogs Stole My Face (4/26/2024 3:27:54 PM)
Excellent show. Lots of whimsy and quality play. May the dogs inherit the earth
Redbeard (4/25/2024 7:44:52 PM)
Anyone else think that drum solo at the end of Spun sounds exactly like the one from Moby Dick? Crazy talented
Sheephat (4/24/2024 2:05:41 PM)
100% the next best thing, good call Kenny! Love the vibe of this band so much, cant wait to check them out live many many many times to come!
Krispy samo (4/24/2024 10:54:26 AM)
Oh yea dogs rule
Kenny (4/22/2024 2:19:33 PM)
Outstanding show, these guys are the next big thing for sure