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9/22/23 Healing Appalachia at the State Fair of West Virginia, Lewisburg, WV |
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Reviews for Umphrey's McGee: 9/22/2023 Healing Appalachia at the State Fair of West Virginia, Lewisburg, WV
Tom Clancy (11/18/2023 8:57:29 AM)
Jack Ryan did an amazing job. Definitely the best sit in on the drums I've heard since Kris has been out. Great show all around.
Jimmy No Legs (9/23/2023 9:19:45 PM)
Great show, Jack Ryan is bad ass! Shake-N-Bake..
Dmo1348 (9/23/2023 9:19:36 AM)
Jack Ryan did a great job. Came out faster than Ricky Bobby