Best shows ever (12/26/2024 5:43:36 AM)
I’ve seen Billy a dozen times or so over the last 6 years, and I’ve always believed them to be one of, if not the best live band currently touring. Something magical took place during Renewal #3. Lightning was captured in that fabled bottle. The second night built off of the first night into a screaming orgasmic climax. Billy entered a fugue state and nearly collapsed on stage. SWEAR his eyes rolled back in his head. Stuff legends are made of and I can’t believe I got to witness it first hand. Love you Billy and Co
Gleebie (6/25/2024 3:53:29 PM)
7>>Psycho gettouttahee
Jonny U (6/8/2024 11:44:19 AM)
Legendary Down in the Hollow 10/10!!!
Live vol. 1 (6/7/2024 11:03:51 AM)
So it’s basically confirmed some of this will be on there then yeah
Andrew R (6/7/2024 1:27:45 AM)
How hasn’t anybody mentioned Royal absolutely killing it! Highway Hypnosis bass lines were the driver for sure.
Renewal renewed me! (6/6/2024 5:10:35 PM)
Vamp in the middle of> tentacle dragon was so good!
Renewed (12/5/2023 9:20:29 AM)
This didn’t give me the same feeling of 2022’s show but not sure that is even possible. Good vibes knowing it’s all huge fans in the crowd
Dylan (10/28/2023 3:40:51 PM)
Totally agree about the energy. Way to similar of sets from last renewal. Sadly I was a little disappointed with this run as I know what the boys can do.