Dorff (8/20/2023 6:58:07 PM)
Park Ave locked in so dope just casually kill this
jsh (8/18/2023 8:09:34 PM)
knew this was going to be nails after the jam into a filthy WLTP. Park Ave was sick and the second set was chef’s kiss
Dude (8/17/2023 12:51:24 PM)
set 1. Jamming into the set is awesome. Big build up before we like to party. And the ladies starts to pump the pace. Great transition into space train. Space train is such a fun song. Great transition into helicopters
SET2. Great confrontation into buy my time. End of time gets dark. Seamless segue into one chance to save the world. Tempest out of nowhere! Man that built up into a ripping peak and then slowed down a bit into reactor. Flipped into deep groove at 6:45. Run like hell to close. Lady yells “oh my god you did a great job, job well done”. She ain’t wrong.
Clover4aDay (8/16/2023 5:39:13 PM)
Jam>Gangster>Confro is smoooooooooth as hell
Todd Padre (8/14/2023 9:55:01 AM)
all time favorite opener for both sets
Bool’o (8/12/2023 8:07:16 PM)
Set 2 is big boy setlist writing. 2023 is shaping up to be one of the greatest years ever for the disco biscuits.