Filthy (9/26/2023 8:49:19 PM)
If you like jammy set lists this is the holy grail
August West (9/15/2023 8:59:35 PM)
Absolute barn burner! 2nd set was unreal! Pure mastery and magic! Wow!!!
AJ (8/13/2023 2:46:12 AM)
Was at this show, would have loved to here Row Jimmy but otherwise I thought they were great this summer night.
Long been Dead (7/9/2023 4:31:28 AM)
Listen to finale --- Saturday Night --- such a great way to end, but you can tell the guys just don't have the vocal chops to play all night anymore. Love em for trying!
Jon (7/8/2023 2:21:08 PM)
They went FarOut and decided to stay there all night. You will either get this show, or you won’t. But a little bit of third eye will help you there! Great show. Great first night!
BigJohnson's ThirdEye (6/30/2023 1:11:51 PM)
Dead & Company hit a grand slam at Fenway to win the game. This concert is a fantastic listening experience with phenomenal musicianship all around. I wish I could've been there, but thank you,, for such clean & crisp soundboards.
Danny Yew (6/30/2023 12:50:10 PM)
Boston was the hub of the universe as per usual as they came to town and knocked it out of the park. I was lucky enough to be in the pit and witnessed the best show of my life. Bobby must’ve seen the “flight of seabird” as the band rolled by Boston Harbor with that amazing Cassidy opener. Kick ass I Need a Miracle, 1st ever Dark Star on the Big Rver Jam?!? Launched us into orbit with that trippy Terrapin>Drums> Space. Historic two shows at Fenway we won’t soon forget.
Jared H (6/29/2023 4:21:27 AM)
Have only caught Dead and Co a few times when they’ve come through MA, this was the best one without a doubt. The Terrapin was absolutely beautiful, Casey Jones was a powerhouse. That crazy Dark Star jam was something else. They’re going out on a high note, just wish I was seeing some more of this tour.