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Reviews for Widespread Panic: 3/24/2005 Fox Theatre, Atlanta, GA

   KRN NAE  (4/13/2005 12:29:34 PM)

I must say that Widespread Rules once again. Last New Years was definately the saddest that the boys weren`t around but now everything is looking up again. Don`t go off of tour again! We LOVE you guys!

   kittykat  (4/7/2005 5:29:45 PM)

thanks for coming back, your just in time...

   Yoda1013  (4/6/2005 11:16:42 AM)

2 Things to say:

By George I think He`s got it!

I voted for JOJO!!!!! ;)

   name  (4/2/2005 7:10:55 AM)

nice work boys. nothin but panic originals all show up to use me and cts, but damn good to see you`re back. keep the energy high! and save a little for that sole fla. show. see you in tally.

   jasonthehead  (4/1/2005 11:13:56 AM)

An incredible gift of music (once again) from - one of the saviors of webmusic, and the messiah-like return of WSP couldn`t be more timely. Funny mix of tunes, new old and extremely familiar, with GM`s mad guitar, JoJo`s licks, Schoolbombs and JB`s pipes & rhythm jumping out of my speakers, which don`t do justice to Todd & Sunny. Boys are rusty here and there, but tasty everywhere. I know they`ll blossom and progress from show to show (as they did in 03) until we meet again in NYC. For all of you debaters, George-haters, and believers that Mikey is second to only the Creator, I point you to the wise words the Houser family, still posted on the WSP website:

Michael would be absolutely devastated if the band did not continue as Widespread Panic. He, and all of them, have worked for 20 years to make it what it is today. They have a history, a legacy, and a loyal fan following that will stick with them through this transition.

We wish the best for the entire Widespread Panic family - the band, the music and the fans - and look forward to great shows for many more years. As Mikey would say, "We hope to see you there."

   ProudofthePanic  (3/31/2005 8:15:15 PM)

Don`t matter who`s driven the ice cream truck. The children still come running from blocks away. And they feel good.

   Korey  (3/31/2005 1:19:37 PM)

Great to see the panic getting on board. We all love to get the latest shows, and especially the ones that we have attended. I would much rather the band get $15 bones and me get the shows I want. Its a win win sitiation. Thanks and see ya`ll on tour.

   Blind Jim  (3/30/2005 8:54:18 PM)

For the last time, George is not trying to replace Mikey! It is all about chemistry and intention, and if you were truly dialed in, you would get it. Pleas let them do what they do. They get it, trust me.

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