KB (1/26/2023 4:18:08 AM)
Brian’s been shredding lately! That diesel driver jam is Trey-esque
Ginger stardust (1/26/2023 4:17:16 AM)
Could that jam get any more beautiful and then funky? Also second set is amazing! Keep it up guys!!
Eric (1/18/2023 9:39:53 AM)
SOOOO many great moments in this one!! Love the demented funk Cory leads in “Ginger Stardust” and the whole second set is pure fire
Mountain in the Mist (1/18/2023 8:00:16 AM)
That Ginger Stardust is SO FUNKing good!! Wowowow yes please!
M Cali (1/15/2023 7:20:40 PM)
Much better SQ. Smoother transitions. New keys sound great. Keep it up. SOIL!