Jacob H (7/23/2022 10:43:28 AM)
Wanted a secrets so bad when it came on I jammed the hardest I did all weekend
Joel (7/14/2022 6:59:46 AM)
The only downside to this was Billy and company was on Thursday night. Lots of great bands at the Peach, but for a lot of people i feel this made the weekend anticlimactic. Great Show!!
Schneigis (7/10/2022 10:41:06 AM)
Was in the first 30, prolly 12th show in two years. The first 30 back to the lawn was absolutely lit! Suck a good time was had by all. Everyone had and left with smiles. Grate to see that happen in such a large venue as well as the small clubs! Indy for my bday! Can't wait.
Eddie T. Grass (7/9/2022 8:26:21 AM)
Another Scorcher, We love you Billy! And welcome to the band Alex!
Teal (7/7/2022 9:36:12 AM)
A little Duprees Diamond tease in Ice Bridges! Over all this is a perfect Billy set list. All originals till the last song. ENJOY!!!
Marcus Sondico (7/6/2022 1:53:55 PM)
All Billy and friends until the end…and then Peach Pickin Time!! Very much like the Doc version, love it. Was a super fun festival set. I wandered from lawn to seats and everyone was pickin n grinnin! Well done BMFS! Can’t wait for the next one!
Sooooo Many Miles (7/5/2022 12:56:59 PM)
Cool to hear that one… really wanted a Creek closer but oh well. Really good sound quality in the middle under the enclosure. Solid but not a historic show
Vinny Paz (7/4/2022 3:32:53 PM)
had to change my trousers 4 times at this show