Alumni Blues (5/28/2022 4:08:39 PM)
Holy crap!!! It Doesn’t Matter!!
Tbubbs (8/28/2021 7:33:24 AM)
damn they are playing so well right now. summercamp and swanzey nh were both so tight. Ive never seen a bad show since my first in 05 but they seem like the layoff re-energized them. Awesome setlists and so much energy. Cannot wait for umbowl ive had those tix for so long!
McLovin (8/23/2021 6:07:41 PM)
Hot dayum! This whole show is pretty awesome. Jake sounds like he’s been practicing his Brian Johnson impression- he nails it more than usual!
SCampin! (8/23/2021 6:55:21 AM)
Summer Camp done right! What a party.
Spencer (8/22/2021 9:34:49 AM)
To the person who said they miss UM jamming at summercamp… I hear you the jams may not be as long, but there are still jams in this show.
Mark Sultans of Swing (8/22/2021 9:16:46 AM)
Zomg best show ever. I let Jake borrow Swamp Ass for a fuggin sickkkk Thunserstruck. Best closer ever! Catch me for a set of FUX classics at my tent this afternoon
Jade (8/22/2021 8:55:23 AM)
Miss when Umphreys used to jam at Scamp