Phan_Halen (3/7/2023 5:58:48 PM)
Two years later and I can safely say I like set 1 better than set 2 on this night. Ladies is the jam of the night but the first set just flows so well
The codfather (2/15/2022 7:40:39 AM)
Serious heat hea. Both sets well orchestrated
IanBonny (8/7/2021 10:29:56 PM)
But the segue back into Astronaut is even better ***********
IanBonny (8/7/2021 10:16:59 PM)
This show truly is fire and Barber was definitely on one. 2nd set jamming is intense all the way thru. Running into inverted Ladies is where it’s at!
Artie (3/30/2021 8:04:17 PM)
This show was an absolute spiritual release from note one!! Proud to have been apart of it. Barber was on point all weekend!!!
Cosmic Charlie (3/29/2021 8:21:19 AM)
So happy I attended this show. First weekend back with a live audience. The band brought the heat for this one. They all where so happy to be playing in front of their fans again.
Avery (3/29/2021 7:14:15 AM)
God damn great show, first set was heat, 2nd set was even better, too much fun
KWB (3/29/2021 5:08:19 AM)