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Reviews for The String Cheese Incident: 8/9/2007 Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Morrison, CO

   Karl  (8/14/2007 4:44:33 PM)

My first time to Red Rocks: truly amazing. I wish I could have gotten out there about a decade earlier! All 4 nights were fantastic. You will be missed by us fans in MN and around the world! Thank You!

   Mary  (8/13/2007 3:43:17 PM)

All 4 nights were rockin!! What are all the cheese heads going to do WITHOUT you guys? Thanks for all the memories; I`ll never forget it. Your the BEST ever!!

   Kady  (8/13/2007 2:18:14 PM)

I made it into the show for the second set that started with "Numb" and it was absolutely exceptional. The energy that was created by that song made the night truly magical. "Jessica" was great and I absolutely loved "The Way You Do the Things You Do!" I don`t think there was a single person not singing along. I`ve seen SCI before and this night is one of my favorites, I`m sure Jerry would have been proud!

   J. Serda  (8/11/2007 5:48:10 PM)

this show was so damn amazing...they started with a killer first set and the secong set just freaked your mind...the song water was played to the best of their abilities...overall the show was the best opening to a stellar weekend...a final weekend

   does it really even matter  (8/11/2007 6:23:54 AM)

I believe it JT, I`ve never seen String either, but I`ve seen the cheese plenty o` times...

   JT  (8/10/2007 6:33:14 PM)

Believe it or not folks, I had never seen String until last night at the Rocks. I hadn`t even listened to much of their music although I am a big Keller and GD fan. But, I had an invite and went.

It was one of the best concerts I have seen. These folks can play really well and they were on tonight. The shame is they are closing down at a time when they are really cooking as a band. All I can say is thanks and good luck for the next ventures. You rock.

   Chad  (8/10/2007 2:20:38 PM)

We were in the first row and it was an awesome start to the final shows at Red Rocks!! It won`t be the same without the cheese!!

   Dubya  (8/10/2007 2:15:11 PM)

Wonderful day at the rocks, and a little bittersweet knowing this may be the last incidents we experience....setlist was phenomenal I thought, been lookin to hear Emma`s since the beginning...I maybe could have used Emma`s and Just One Story after dark, but 2nd set was gnarly as well...Little Mike Kang ripping the Comfortably Numb...almost better than NYC because the cool rocky mountain air was blowin fierce...Miss Browns Chameleon was a nice touch, although I thought it lost its fire part way through...From here on out the...the 45th>Water was one of the highlights of the summer...some of the jamming from Water was very hornings third eye-esque...they even threw up the AHA! on the eye for any that remember at hornings....billy, travis and kang showed us their hula hooping skills (kang obviously being way too good at that shit :) and we went round the wheel one last time....i hope everyone enjoys the next three days, taking in what these wonderful people have to offer, and remembering in the words of Keith last night..."We can`t stop now!!!!!!!!!!!!!" peace, pot...microdot



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