Cmerder (12/24/2007 11:40:38 AM)
This show was on St Patty`s day and started off with irish dressed bag pipe players playing and marching down the center of the aisles. I really enjoyed the show, the second set was defitnitly a dance party.
But the security at the Morris was fuc-ing bull sh-t. I had an aisle seat and everytime one of my feet moved from in front of my seat they were there warning me to stay at my seat, untill eventually they were going to kick me out, I explained in the lobby to the head of security what was going on and while that was happening Jakes dad happen to pass by so I told him what was going on and he got them to let me stay. Man what a difference from this place to the Robert J Fishround center that they played on Aug 31, which was spectacular.
local fan 7420 (4/5/2007 5:27:43 AM)
3 songs repeated in 4 days???? What`s the deal guys?
local fan 7420 (4/5/2007 5:22:50 AM)
Good show guys. I wasn`t extremely impressed with the first set, but I`m sure it did what it was intended to do. 2nd set was off the hook. On another note, I followed UM for the 4 day run, and in that time they played "Red," "Alex`s House," and "Thela Hun Ginjeet." What the fuck is up with repeating songs that aren`t that good. Please tell me that this isn`t the future of Umphrey`s McGee. Give me variety please!!!!!
Mike D. (3/19/2007 12:08:18 PM)
My first UM show, but hopefully not my last! Great to see you guys in your home town, I loved the show & your tunes. Adrian was awesome too!
Nick S. (3/19/2007 9:25:57 AM)
Glad to see and was looking forward to it for awhile....just like everyone else in south bend
jajunk and joels piano was the best!