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Reviews for Umphrey's McGee: 12/30/2006 Aragon Ballroom, Chicago, IL

   BigDog12  (8/7/2007 10:14:35 AM)

This show was fucking sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Umphrey`s McGee rocks

   UMprowler15  (1/28/2007 10:47:39 PM)

i thought this was the best UM show i have seen. musically it was great, i cant say much for the crowd b/c i was in the front row but i cant complain there. i think they played really well together. the fuzz opener was really sick and funky, definitely enjoyed walletsworth and a supertramp encore was really cool.

   Ben  (1/2/2007 7:07:45 AM)

Simply incredible. To me, this show marks a turning point for Umphrey`s. The second set is like nothing else I`ve ever heard from them. DBK and Robot World will blow your mind, especially when Jeff Coffin pops in with his blistering sax, always a welcome addition to UM`s sound. All 3 of of NYE run shows were fantastic, but if you only buy one you should make it this one. What I`m really wondering is, all 3 shows were videotaped... so where are the videos? I would love to SEE this show again.

   fuckUwil$on  (1/1/2007 11:12:40 PM)

This was only my 3rd UM show, but I don`t know, I wasn`t extremely impressed, but then again, I often judge shows by the feeling of the show, not just the music. But between the pesky security(they were nice enough, just annoying) walking aroung the crowd, a fight(!) breaking out right in the peak of Der Bluten Kat, a somewhat(imho) unenergetic crowd( at least compared to some shows i`ve been to where everyone is dancing and freaking out), a set break that seemed to last 3 hours(i had to leave to catch a train after Robot World, I would have liked to see the entire show and have not spent an hour waiting for set2, and my company who is not a UM fan thereby bringing down the show w/his neg. attitude; well it wan`t my favorite show ever. I havn`t listened to the tapes yet, musically it may have been outstanding, but when is UM not on fire? Highlites for me were a SICK Hurt Bird Bath, Walletsworth, DBK, and a sweet trancy Robot 2 cents..peace

   kevin g  (1/1/2007 6:16:54 PM)

this show was fuckin amazing, first umphreys show i have been too and it was great. hurt bid bath was sweet. can wait to go to another show

   coffinkid  (1/1/2007 3:45:48 PM)

i disagree jeff coffin could never be permanent in u,phreys cuz they couldnt play all there tunes with him plus when he sits in he steals the show away solo he would changed how he played with the songs also. plus u cant play some um songs with horns aall the time and some there just isnt a place for freestyle jazz sax

   SinsinnatiKid  (1/1/2007 2:12:06 AM)

What can I say? Your boys rocked the house tonight. Absolutely the sickest Der Bluten Kat ever performed, the song peaks eight times, or seemed to. The vibe was so great at this show. Jeff Coffin should be a permanent part of UM. Ringo and Hurt both blew my mind. Don`t miss this show! Your money will never bring you more enjoyment.



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