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Reviews for Widespread Panic: 10/30/2006 MGM Grand Garden, Las Vegas, NV

   Tate Heuer  (11/1/2006 9:42:11 PM)

This is the best!! Haven`t heard this excitement since Mikey!! C U N ATL!!

   mike  (11/1/2006 8:16:40 PM)

Shows were my home town no less. Weekend came close to topping Nalo 2000, but I still keep that weekend at the top of my list. Stage set-up was nice too, but please don`t play at the MGM again. The Nazi security in that place sucks. Go outside to the carpeted area to smoke.....that is messed up. Thomas and Mack is much better, but the Rodeo was there this yr. Thanks WIDESPREAD PANIC for an outstanding weekend!

   Jay  (11/1/2006 7:53:59 PM)

I`ve been back from Vegoose for a couple of hours and all I can say about this show is HOLLY F`N S**T. I`ve seen Panic 5 times before this night and was never converted. I always thought that they where a good band but it really never did it for me until this night that`s why i`m actually on here writing a review and buying my FLAC.

   jen  (11/1/2006 7:25:31 PM)

I was blown away! Been seeing these guys for a long time and this show was one of the best i`ve ever seen. I knew it would be good but they topped my expectations. As always such a pleasure thanks for a great memory one to add to the books.

   will nc  (11/1/2006 6:41:07 PM)

jesus fuggin christ!

   Hank   (11/1/2006 4:06:42 PM)

This is the best Panic show I`ve ever attended and one of the best of all shows I`ve ever seen. Mike would have been proud of the whole thing. Fantastic venue. Never been around so many people laughing so hard and just getting totally down. Hats off to Bell for that obnoxious chicken suit. It looked really hot inside that thing. He only kept the head on for contentment but it was hysterical to hear his voice coming out of it. Having seen Herring play numerous shows with Lesh I can assure any doubters that the shows are going to get even better as this guy overcomes his shyness and loosens up.

   Alexa  (11/1/2006 1:20:48 PM)

This show was by far one of the best shows I`ve ever seen! That Airplane>Morning Dew was irate! I was shedding tears the whole show... If this show cost $70 i think I would probably still buy it.. AHH sooo good......

   Eastcoast Phil  (11/1/2006 12:00:36 PM)

This show is to hot, these guys always pull out this killer jam and surprise us with it. Morning Dew, I thought I would never hear them play it, Jerry would be proud. Rader love stamps it as gold. Well worth the money. I got the whole show on 3 Cd`s, did not need four as the insert calls for. Happy Halloween. Keep jamming America.
Eastcoast Phil. TCBRN, Simpsonville, SC. 11/1/06

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