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Reviews for Goose: 6/28/2024 Mann Center for the Performing Arts, Philadelphia, PA

   Mr. Shredtublay   (6/29/2024 12:55:56 PM)

Witnessed true rock n roll history being made last night and this being the largest Goose show EVER is absolutely friggin EPIC!!! Spicy boyz were HOT last night LFG !!!

   AJ  (6/29/2024 12:05:24 PM)

Incredible show. Could’ve done without the mt joy guy trying too hard during Cali magic though

   The Moon (Again)  (6/29/2024 11:27:50 AM)

Fuller length review: The setlist… Silver Rising and Western Sun scratched that soulful goose itch, the No Rain cover churned the nostalgia, Flodown got the place hopping like a backwoods family gathering, California Magic is just a nice, polished, goose song that demonstrates some of their clean peaks if that makes sense, Tumble—I mean, if you’re a goose fan, that pulled all those things together and just released the crowd energy… when they hit that release into the dance groove at 5 minutes or so, ???? …Sidebar, when I really started digging into the Phish catalog a few years back, it was with mixed emotions. I realized, no matter what I do moving forward, I missed the best of it. But still, I was able to relive some of the best secondhand, and my favorite song of theirs is 2001. It does something similar in the way that it sets that groove with a wave that rolls over the crowd and then everyone starts digging out (my favorite part of the whole jam scene), but… and don’t tell Phish phans I said this, their “songs” - the lyrics, the melody of the lyrics (2001 ofc actually doesn’t even have any lyrics, which could be part of why it’s my favorite ??)- they’re not even half as good as goose’s… now, yes, before I ignorantly blaspheme any further, Phish paved the way to the groove, they are all virtuoso musicians, blah blah…but I’m so stoked to be experiencing goose in real time… feels like it makes life worth it. I couldn’t believe the second set was only 3 songs! Hungersite ripped, Your Eyes was fun, that Red Bird was on point and the jam had a clear journey and Arcadia was an excellent cap, leaving no doubt that these guys are a complete force… we just got really spoiled!

   Tom  (6/29/2024 10:11:54 AM)

Best show I’ve ever seen, top 3 I’d say.

   Amanda  (6/29/2024 10:07:44 AM)

They bring it night after night.This tour with this drummer has been so tight.Love these guys !

   JJ  (6/29/2024 9:47:45 AM)

Fantastic show from the couch! So well played! FTP Ripcord Bird.

   Rik Smits   (6/29/2024 8:40:45 AM)

Best show I’ve seen. What an experience.

   Jeffrey  (6/29/2024 8:33:47 AM)

What a great show! Tumble jam was insane. Only low point was the Mt Joy guy singing.

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