Trent (4/10/2022 9:09:11 AM)
When the band plays on this level it will make you change your life for them…
pimp blue nikki (4/10/2022 8:41:15 AM)
this show gave me a diagnosis of fomo disorder ????
James (4/10/2022 7:58:26 AM)
I heard that after this recent run of shows Phish has decided bow out and allow Biscuits to take their place at MSG in a few weeks. Out of respect, ya know?
Conrad (4/10/2022 7:56:33 AM)
M1 is what pops up when you look up the biscuits in the dictionary. There could not be a more fitting jam for a band.
Ramone (4/10/2022 7:54:43 AM)
Biscuits won’t stop in ‘22. NO ONE doing jt like them
Stiller (4/10/2022 7:20:26 AM)
Just waking up and still not sure what I just saw. Barber said they make up the whole show on the spot. Rockie mtn HIGH
Buddhaballoon42 (4/10/2022 6:45:12 AM)
Heater of a show
Patndex (4/10/2022 5:42:53 AM)
you can hear how locked in the band is in the astronaut jam going into spacecird. Looking forward to hearing these setlists play out