blind betty (8/13/2021 9:42:57 AM)
these and mahalo shows will forever be my all time fav concerts! until billy k calls the boys back again (pretty please!!)
Ol slew foot (8/12/2021 10:48:25 PM)
These shows are an absolute treat So happy that they are on nugz now these sets will be in heavy rotation for weeks
Isaac (8/12/2021 6:52:19 PM)
Man these shows blow me away go lock ur self in a closet fuck work or whatever ur doing and educate ur self on the greatest dead music to hit the scene in a long time
GratefulEv (8/12/2021 6:16:23 PM)
A first tube tease in Slipknot? Nice!
Shureem33 (8/12/2021 4:04:55 PM)
Some of the best dead in any form I’ve ever heard. So glad this happened and so glad it’s on nugs
Mike Goetz (8/12/2021 9:47:15 AM)
Dead members won't be around forever, give Billy Strings a chance if you haven't yet , magic every night they play and can be heard in Mixlr app for free , most nights they play live.
jaymay (8/12/2021 7:46:14 AM)
fire most dead show since the further years. special night for sure