Connerhammy (2/22/2025 8:42:14 AM)
I mean come on doesn’t get better than this. Also first train train in 4 years from bill
Alex (2/22/2025 8:28:11 AM)
Was on the floor for this show! I’ll be there again for tonight ?? amazing show! ??????
Train Hoppers (2/22/2025 7:51:57 AM)
Great show! Billy and the boys were on fire! When you see the orange hat , you better strap in for the ride!!
Eugene Pawlak (2/22/2025 7:34:40 AM)
The show was great as always but I have to say the crowd for night one was very weak
Billygoat33 (2/22/2025 7:04:30 AM)
Jaw is still on the floor. Fiddling around I can’t believe it
ATL Bish (2/22/2025 6:53:07 AM)
Solid as usual… Psycho into Train and Turmoil Dragon sandwich were hlghlights! GOAT!!!!
Cletus (2/22/2025 6:39:05 AM)
Billy burns down Atlanta once again. So many heaters from last night. Thank you guys for giving us such wonderful music!
Max s (2/22/2025 5:10:39 AM)
So awesome