Showznit (11/11/2024 4:33:41 PM)
Never miss a Sunday show… and all that. Venue was 2/3 full. Far cry from the first two nights. Thanks Goose, for treating this show special. It was felt.
Beavah (11/11/2024 4:22:14 PM)
Trevor should absolutely break out that acoustic bass more often.
TallestGary (11/11/2024 3:25:53 PM)
There has never been a better 3 nights in the history of Cincinnati. What an incredible weekend start to finish. They went above and beyond with this one
Shane B (11/11/2024 11:09:24 AM)
This whole show is amazing. That second set is just one killer jam after the other. Never miss a Sunday Show! This is one for the ages.
Trevor Bass (11/11/2024 10:35:00 AM)
Love the Western Sun - note the licks Rick hit referencing Julian Lage’s fantastic sit in solos back at salt shed this September.
Max s (11/11/2024 10:27:31 AM)
First set was beautiful. Red bird in second set is a monster