Casey F (11/25/2024 2:53:46 PM)
Awesome fucking tour Stu!!!
Ben H (11/25/2024 1:40:19 PM)
Best Show to date
Neil (11/25/2024 9:16:21 AM)
Best damn show going right now
Brett L (11/25/2024 9:08:10 AM)
The LA Woman here houses enough energy to power Boston on its own
Llama (11/25/2024 9:00:16 AM)
Holy crap this show was a heater. From start to finish he showed why he puts on one of the best live shows on the planet
Wes deaton (11/25/2024 8:45:17 AM)
One of the best shows I have ever seen
Jess (11/25/2024 8:02:14 AM)
I knew he would pull some rabbits out of his hat, but I was still blown away. He rearranges his own songs so much they're new songs! He debutes songs on the last day of the tour! I think someone mentioned he's played upwards of 60 different songs since SF when all this began. This whole tour has been life changing and I'm proud to be a Turtlehead. I just wish I didn't have responsibilities, so I could just follow him around. Thank deities for nugs!