Ryan (5/3/2021 6:56:12 AM)
This night was fire. Love when the boys get dark and dirty with it. Night one was too ambient, not into the floating like butterflies. I like that nasty shit
BiscoDiscuits4L (5/3/2021 12:18:20 AM)
Soundboard in general is pretty rough. Some outright terribly mixed parts appear throughout which is very disappointing because the boys sound like they were on fire that night. The last jam during House dog brought me to my knees. So is it worth it just to hear what they did? Sure, definitely. With this sbd be worth listening to a second time? Most likely not.
Also the first half of House dog is in the 4th of july track.
TimboSlice (5/2/2021 6:24:10 AM)
Yo.....that caterpillar opening ??.
Mojo448 (5/1/2021 11:07:36 PM)
Never cease to amaze! Excellent run
David Rohlfing (5/1/2021 1:56:53 PM)
This is Dave dReAd approved ??????