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Reviews for The String Cheese Incident: 7/6/2005 Summerfest, Milwaukee, WI

   Jim for Iowa City  (7/14/2005 11:37:47 AM)

Due to a loss in the family, I was forced to miracle the tickets that were miracled to me for the Chicago shows. So in order to calm my bitterness I made my way to Milwaukee, which was and will be the final SCI I see this summer. Any how made it in just in time for Mouna Bowa opener, perfect way to start any show, but maybe not appropriate for the drunks that were everywhere. Close Your Eyes, got me really excited as I think Cheese really lays down some pretty sick beats in the improv section. However I felt this version was uninspired and not what I expected. Freedom Jazz Dance was great to hear, and Kang definitely stepped it up with some nice solo work. Sometimes a river is great to hear, I love this new song and its got a great summertime feel, this segued nicely into HMGCL, which was great to hear. Then the newly worked One Step Closer a kin to that on One Step Closer. Very interesting to hear, however I feel as though the whole "love song" feel is lost in this 70`s rock version. Black and White got me thinking: How much repeats from Waka am I going to get, and when followed by Yo Se and latter on On Fire, I was slightly disapointed that the barefoot boys didn`t consider changing it up for the region and those on tour. B/W was rocking none the less, and I was for sure taken "Higher" Yo Se was also excellent and Carl really added a great texture to the end of ths song. BARSTOOL made it all worth it! I was a little bitter they didnt play it at Waka, as it was marked on the setlist and I also happened to have a bottle of Maker Mark in my right hand. But hearing this at Summer Fest was perfect. On Fire was rocking, I really like this tune, and to hear the electric drums back in the mix was good to hear (not used at Waka), but when Franti came out everything was lost in his lame ass rap "Fire, Fire, Lighter, Lighter, Lighter". Tom Thumbs was great, and appropriate after just leaving Co. Next Keller appeared on stage for a dirty Best Feeling, one of the best I`ve hear. OTR was a nice set closer. Encore was great, the definite highlight was the HUGE Dirk! See y`all OTR.

   Dstone  (7/12/2005 5:31:17 PM)

This was my 2nd incident and my girlfriends 1st and it kicked all form of ass. I can`t wait to get the Cd so I can relive that awesome evening. Thank you the way, who is your lighting guy? Does he need an assistant?

   elmoluvsstringcheese  (7/12/2005 11:19:07 AM)

one word...BARSTOOL....all u need to know..if u like to delve bout a FREEDOM JAZZ dance.....but the highlight of show was definitnetly look at where we are>>BLACK AND WHITE>>>>YO SE....then goin into Barstool.....which was about the 10 different older couples asked me who the CHEESE were...i let them hear more info then they probly wanted..but needless to say the CHeese has a few more fans thats for sure..other higlights...Franti rappin firre fireee fireee light up yooooo lighter...bad ass song there...and keller with the boys on best feeling..and the encore was pretty sick too love u cheese...overall no set break..was nice...the scene...well not so great..and the setlist..besides freedom..yo se..barstool , black and white, and mouna bowa..was pretty weakk..i thought.. but i had the last milwaukkee show from last year to compare to ..which was absoulutely ya cheese see u soon again my friends.

   Thor  (7/11/2005 11:03:53 PM)

twas my 2nd cheese show and damn was it phatty! cheese just continues to rip it up! fire fire fire light up your lighter lol! did anyone else notice that nerishi looked like a troll/gnome/dwarf? lol bill is the man! thru this whole show i almost fell off those evil bleachers probably about 40 times but never fell off once and kept on dancin`! keep on rippin it up cheese you guys rock the house!



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