Atlas Dogue (2/10/2025 9:27:04 PM)
Bangers galore, but then again, aren’t we at a sustained point whereas every show eclipses the last? It’s remarkable.
#1 complainer (2/10/2025 3:37:11 PM)
Show is fire but am I crazy or are the vocals really buried in this mix???
Jen Charles (2/10/2025 1:48:46 PM)
That Madhuvan tho
Emperor of Organos (2/10/2025 12:40:04 PM)
This show rips so hard. Streamed it live and didn’t want to miss a note. Explorative jams, goose going all cobra chicken heavy and dark at times. The simplified4-man arrangement was really well suited for the set. My personal favorite of this run and probably a top 10 of the Cotter era.
Gooserocks (2/10/2025 7:42:57 AM)
My favorite show of the run. Glad to be there all 3 nights. True love waits is one of my favorite songs ever and I’m so glad I got to see that cover. Madhuvan got EVILLLLL
Max s (2/10/2025 7:15:07 AM)
They are so locked in with 1 drummer. I hope the other guy never comes back
Jordan F (2/9/2025 11:19:08 AM)
This is the greatest Goose show of all time.
Best Night (2/9/2025 9:44:01 AM)
So happy I made it to the Friday Show, was by far the best sets of the MKE Run