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Reviews for Widespread Panic: 4/3/1996 Von Braun Civic Center, Huntsville, AL

   Dean  (7/13/2009 11:20:56 PM)

If I taught Panic Music Theory at Meadows School of the Arts in Dallas, TX (but in the astronomy department's classrooms, of course), I would play the second half of Papa's Home during the first class of the semester. Fireball.

   Kudos  (6/30/2009 10:08:23 PM)

I think this is the best archive to date. JB is loud in the mix, but that just makes it that much better overall. I dont think it dominates Houser, "Pilgrims" is a fine example of my point. This show is epic. well done Horace.

   Jayne Clamp  (6/30/2009 1:09:45 PM)

Great work Chris. Sounds amazing. Great pick Horace.

   Maestro  (6/30/2009 8:39:54 AM)

I really love this show. Great selection.

I have one question. Does anyone else notice how low Mikey is in the mix? Is it possibly an error in my downloads? For some reason, Mikey's guitar is horribly low even when he is soloing and JB's guitar is incredibly loud, almost overbearingly so.

I'm all for loud JB, but at the expense of being able to hear Mikey solo..not so much. Could it be something wrong with the FLACs that I downloaded or is this just how the mix is in general?

Can someone please comment on this for me?

   enough chicken for one man's need  (6/29/2009 1:06:13 PM)

I don't know what to say.....This release has brought back so many fun memories of the mid 90's. Radio Child, Arlene, Contentment Blues, etc were such favorites. Thank you for bringing them back to life. My old tapes from that age are shot! Hope you will give us more.

   Mox  (6/27/2009 1:13:47 PM)

Perfect Set List, Perfect Performance, Perfect Sound Quality and Mix. This is Panic at their very best bringing the heat. A+++

   Gurth  (6/26/2009 7:10:43 AM)

Great show dripping with 96 energy and the sound quality is wonderful. This is my favorite era of the band and I really hope they do a whole bunch more from 96 and 97. The two Barrymore shows from Fall 96 come to mind...

Keep them coming. PLEASE!

   macm2125  (6/25/2009 8:39:17 PM)

I was at this show and it has been such a joy to listen to it again. I used to have it on tape back in the day when we used to trade tapes of shows or blanks and postage. It's hard to believe that this show was 13 years ago. This show is a great example as to why I have been listening to the boys for 18 years, hoping to make my 250th show in Charlotte this year.

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