Larry (6/26/2024 9:58:40 AM)
The B4L freight trains rolls on!
Eman711 (6/25/2024 4:00:53 PM)
The new music continues. Awesome that the songs r flowing still. Excited for July got Biscoland and AC. They r gonna destroy Peach after dark. They were always considered too wild for the old Peach 1st yr it's w a different organization and they r playing not a coincidence. B4MFL
Astronate (6/25/2024 9:28:25 AM)
Keep a little dirt under my pillow for the dirt man
RCMike (6/25/2024 7:40:02 AM)
This Orch made me buy bigger speakers
Deighton (6/25/2024 4:58:25 AM)
I did not attend but great jamming and song selection. My only concern is toooo many samples and they typically hurt the replay value unless it hits just right
GRVtoad (6/24/2024 4:45:39 PM)
Scorchin hot. Loses a lil steam around dino baby but it picks back up. New DnB track is gonna get hot hot. The monster orch theme takes the cake for me. Don't stop the samples Magz!!!!! Cheers.
InclementWeather (6/24/2024 1:13:35 PM)
This set tried to get Electric Forest canceled before I did.
Space_Mase (6/24/2024 10:43:38 AM)
Great set! That APOA brabz did leading into hide and seek had me. Def agree with the 2019 new songs coming back for a revisit but not for this. *Long Live The Disco Biscuits* Maybe you know this move!