Woah (5/2/2024 7:45:21 AM)
Best show I’ve ever seen. Billy and the boys burned down rupp. He truly is playing with sound these days
Jim Backwoods (5/2/2024 6:13:40 AM)
What an incredible two night run wish I had GA tickets looked like everyone was getting down in the dance floor! Chicago and College Station are up next for me hope to see some of you there!
Man Martix (5/1/2024 12:43:02 PM)
The boys sure know how to put some boogie in your bones
Pete (5/1/2024 10:20:37 AM)
Man, I know a lot of bluegrass purists are anti drum but Miles Miller absolutely crushed it.
Taylor (5/1/2024 5:50:51 AM)
After the fire on my tongue > must be seven > meet me at the creek opener and I realized my face was already off of my face 30 min in, I knew we were in for a special night
Somedu (4/30/2024 5:32:20 PM)
Grab some water, these dudes are hot.
PGHDEAD (4/30/2024 1:15:18 PM)
Show #17 found me in Row 33 - spent the day at Lexington Cemetary and low and behold we saw a robin on some daddy’s grave
Reubens Train (4/29/2024 9:46:04 PM)
Best 2 day run i think the boys have ever done. I want these on a tangible format lol