Bro[hood] (11/18/2023 6:14:07 AM)
I will forever keep chasing that high from the THATCH. #manchesterthatch! Might be one of my favorite pieces of improvisational music that I've seen live. The rest of the show is exceptional, and I don't want to take anything away from it...but, that thatch needs to be listened to.
Undaman (11/17/2023 1:44:22 PM)
Wow - thoughtless enjoyed this. Loved the Beverly Hills Cop jams.
David Tomanelli (11/17/2023 11:11:00 AM)
Western Sun has never not gotten to me
Max s (11/17/2023 9:57:56 AM)
Perfect show! The 2nd part of drive reminded me of arrow. No skips on this one folks
Peakin (11/17/2023 8:45:50 AM)
Was Thatch the best guitar playing I heard all year…from anyone? Or just me?
CL (11/17/2023 1:22:34 AM)
Literally cried tears of joy this morning because I got to experience this in person last night on the band’s first Euro tour. What a special time and super thankful to be here and enjoying music at the same time as these guys. Thatch, Tumble and Western Sun were real highlights.
Jon Eck (11/16/2023 10:58:43 PM)
Just when I thought Thatch couldn’t get any better, this happens. All time stuff!!
Jamo (11/16/2023 8:52:06 PM)
The world needs to know about this thatch!! Whaaat!! Does it get tighter?!!? I think not!