Dirty Rick and the Boys (8/21/2022 11:22:44 AM)
That It’s My Life cover is probably the most tasteful cover these guys have completed. Truly a pleasure to fuck to that one. Especially with Ricks heavenly voice singing my gf to climax wow.
Shureem33 (8/21/2022 10:37:20 AM)
Some big ones in this show! Loved the Borne. Rockdale was cool. The Mississippi Half Step from the peach 2019 show was what really made me realize these guys had the special sauce, glad to see them cover it again here. All around top notch show
Brooooose (8/21/2022 10:30:03 AM)
We prayed for better weather and with some Cali Magic the clouds turned. Borne and Wysteria go very deep and will be contenders for JOTY. Cover debut was just fun, half step delivers an OG echo style jam and Rockdale enters cow funk territory. Show of the run that contains the set of the run and the best jams.
Scummit (8/21/2022 10:06:18 AM)
This Borne has to be the best to date and "it's my life" was a great new cover. Show started off a little quiet, which has happened a couple times at Dillon this summer