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Reviews for Dead and Company: 7/16/2022 Citi Field, New York, NY

   Danny from Philadelphia  (7/25/2022 1:00:19 PM)

This show was a phenomenon unto itself. My 50th Dead and Company show plus Fare Thee Well and hundreds of shows from every lineup since 78 and I have never felt intense electricity like this show. The band and the crowd gave all. Bobby lost his voice just like so many of us. That ol GD magic manifested itself all through my night. Emotional franzied delerium by the end of PITB reprise which they never got to at opener in LA and I knew since then they would end the tour with it. Laughter through tears at the end. One of the best nights of my life. GBTGD!!!!!!!!!

   MisCNYC  (7/23/2022 3:04:28 PM)

Amazing amazing night!!! The crowd was really feeling every moment. Even w Bobby’s voice shot - the sheer magnitude of the culmination of this tour was pure magic. ??? #nfa

   All along the watchtower  (7/23/2022 2:52:21 PM)

Mind blowing. Goes beyond dead music. One of the most intense guitar solos I’ve heard in my life. The whole night was filled with love and energy. One of the most packed and excited crowds I’ve been a part of. Definitely a top 5 show for me. How about that scarlet jam?!? And listen to chimenti play!

   Elliot Kent   (7/22/2022 2:28:42 PM)

Both nights @ CITI field '22 were phenomenal. PERIOD. The fact that Bobby played and sang while clearly not 100%, Mayer w/ his family problems, and the return of the Anchor on drums?!?!.... Anyone who was there could literally feel the love in that stadium. And the setlists!! My God the setlists!! My father and I were there, and we set up in SHAKEDOWN. We were the smokeshop guys selling tobacco and vapes and anything headshop related for pennies on the dollar.. "Spirit of SHAKEDOWN", right? He's 70, been to A LOT of live music. A LOT. He was blown away. That hasn't happened to him at a show since before I was born. Nuff said.

   JW  (7/22/2022 5:41:11 AM)

Great playing but Bobby’s voice is rough on this one. Why not just let Johnny Slayer sing when you’re like that? Still love ya Bobby, rest up.

   Silly Billy  (7/22/2022 12:31:38 AM)

One of my favorite shows of this tour. And I listened to every show that was made available. This second set was so good.

   Boz  (7/21/2022 6:58:42 PM)

Bob wasn’t on?? He was in full effect! This was more for them and not us..And I will take it!

   Boz  (7/21/2022 6:57:25 PM)

This show is raw!! I love it! It’s special let’s not get that twisted!

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