TG (12/8/2021 2:34:46 PM)
Can’t wait for the steamboat run. Y’all sounds amazing Mad world, Atlantic City, Hot tea ????
Ryan Dempsey (12/8/2021 3:22:50 AM)
Hey guys..... I'm gonna need that guitar back....guys????
Bob Weir (12/8/2021 3:17:09 AM)
I think they stole my format for Dead & CO. I'll call this Goose Lite
Timm Soolivan (12/7/2021 9:27:29 PM)
Ay, ay, ay, ay,
sing and don’t cry,
because singing gladdens,
Pretty little heaven, the hearts.
Ron Don volante (12/7/2021 5:12:35 PM)
holy chompers. Some of y'all need to STFU
MarkP (12/7/2021 5:08:37 PM)
Goose is so big, they even have an acoustic Goose cover band named OREBOLO (?) now that is incredibly good. Really great versions on display here.
Andy (12/7/2021 4:29:58 PM)
?? ?? ??