Silent Hurricane H-SC (10/28/2023 7:56:34 AM)
This show holds up
Blanco (7/8/2023 8:06:30 AM)
Best show of the year!!
Yuss (6/6/2023 4:54:09 AM)
That note jimmy hits in the first 20 seconds of fishwater will rattle your jimmies oh yes
NOLAPanic (4/29/2022 10:03:45 PM)
Big Lee (3/12/2022 2:10:03 PM)
Got damn son that’s some good gas 1 for 20 no deals
Matty B (3/10/2022 3:26:52 PM)
Too many stand out moments to count…JBs vocals have taken a new shine with richness, clarity and annunciation. JoJo made everything a bit more funky all weekend with new synthesizer. JB ditched Big Red for New Big Tan all three nights. Jimmy got turned down a smidge too which evened things out nicely…??????????
Big Country (2/23/2022 3:01:11 PM)
Lol who ever said Dave’s energy was weak is hilarious like must be wearing size 43 clown shows . Dave was in controlled the whole thing Saturday night. Eating every biscuit in town . Jimmy and JOJO were lucky if he left any butter or crumbs to lick up
Christo (2/23/2022 2:51:40 PM)
I went ape when they started that lead into Arleen! I’ve been chasing a Diner for a looong time and it was one of the nastiest I’ve ever heard!