Pat (11/15/2021 3:36:18 AM)
That brokedown palace had me cryin in the club while at work
Corn (11/13/2021 6:24:22 AM)
I’d say Jerry would give ???? to that Samson and Delilah
Mossy (11/8/2021 6:20:24 PM)
If you haven't listened to this show yet you should. Transcendent.
Dumbfounded (11/8/2021 1:47:13 PM)
Samson strong as any version ever. Billy tire harrahs to the ground.
SmileSmileSmile (11/4/2021 5:59:22 PM)
Coincidence that Dead and Co also played Sampson and Delilah as well as Brokedown Palace on the same night?
Zeke1382 (11/4/2021 6:54:30 AM)
Andrew Tirman (11/3/2021 12:50:46 PM)
Much much less than a year, as Doing Things Right was played during the Mission run in Colorado.
Billy Flings (11/3/2021 11:40:48 AM)
This might be the first Doin’ Things Right in over a year